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Viewing geotagged issues in the Mapit gadget

Issue visibility

For a geotagged issue to be visible in the Mapit map gadget, the following criteria need to be met:

  1. The issue must match the search criteria of one of your a favorite filters (in other words, it is included in the search results for that filter)
  2. The favorite filter containing the issue must be selected from the Mapit menu.

You also need to make sure you pan/zoom the map to the approximate geographical area your issue is located, in order to actually see the issue in the map. Try zooming out a few steps if you are unsure.


Viewing issues

Once you have selected a filter containing geotagged issues, and the position of these issues fall within the area you are currently viewing, the issues will be shown in the map. Depending on your zoom level, and the distance between the different issues, you might see both individual issues and clusters of issues.

Issue clusters

Clusters are a way of grouping together issues that are in close proximity, and that would otherwise appear on top of each other when zoomed out. Clicking on a cluster zooms you in to a level where you can see the issues individually.

Clusters are color-coded according to the number of issues in the cluster:

  • Green clusters: < 10 issues
  • Yellow clusters: > 10 < 100 issues
  • Orange clusters: > 100 issues

The number of issues included in a cluster is also shown inside the cluster icon.

  • If you have zoomed in to the maximum zoom level, and issues are still clustered, it means there are several issues on the same position, or in very close proximity. In this case, clicking on the cluster will fan out the issues so that you can click on them individually.
  • Each filter is a cluster group, so if you have selected several filters, some cluster groups might be hidden behind others. 
  • If one or more issues belong to several selected filters, they will be counted in each filter/cluster group

Individual issues

Individual issues in Mapit are shown with pins that are color-coded according to their JIRA issue status or priority. Whether the issue color maps to the status or priority, and which icon colour maps to which issue status/priority, is set by your JIRA administrator.

Navigate to Mapit directly from a JIRA issue

In the JIRA issue view, there is a new option "See this issue in Mapit" under the More actions menu. This opens Mapit in full-screen in a new browser tab, with the issue highlighted and centered. 

When Mapit is opened in full-screen in a new tab, it is displayed outside the JIRA gadget context. This results in some limitations in terms of functionality. To make sure you have the full set of available Mapit functions, please navigate back to the regular dashboard view.

Note that the latitude and longitude fields need to be visible on the screen for the "See this issue in Mapit" feature to work. Please contact your JIRA administrator if this is not the case.

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